Originally Posted By: Orac

This is my issue I don't understand how you remotely call something like MOND a quantum gravity theory.

I don't think of MOND as a quantum gravity theory. As far as I know it is an attempt to explain away the need for dark matter. And it isn't being very successful. Notice that the N in MOND stands for Newtonian. Newtonian dynamics are not GR.

Can you think of a theory of everything, or whatever you want to call it, which replaces either GR or QM with something totally different? The huge successes of both of them tell us that while they may need to be modified the chance of either of them being totally replaced is extremely remote.

Whatever final theory we get when we resolve the conflicts between GR and QM, it WILL include both GR and QM, because they are both extremely successful. Therefore Quantum Gravity is a very useful term, because it encapsulates the idea in just 2 words.

And of course Newton's rantings have nothing to do with science, so we don't even need to consider them.

Bill Gill

C is not the speed of light in a vacuum.
C is the universal speed limit.