small misunderstand sorry

Graph that You showed is very good

on equator line pendulum rotation respect to earth is zero
we have only line velocty Earth and pendulum


I would like to make the test on equator line
[Plastycyline absorber ]

Situation 1 ( respect to Virtual stationary
point in the universe mass has got velocity = Vo+30 km/s

....mass ---->Vo (Plastycyline) ------> +30 km/s

Situation 2
mass respect to stationary point in the universe has got
30km/s -Vo

[plastycyline] Vo<----- mass ------> +30 km/s

We move up pendulum ( master sample energy portion )

Plastycyline and pendulum

car 1 ---> car 2 --->

car 1 ---> <--- car 2

Kinetic energy graph respect to virtual stationary point A in the universe = parabola

Point A ? ( I know that short time ago Earth was in poin A and pendulum that wait for test was in point A )

Parabola ?? the same delta X not give You the same delta Y
X- velocity Y- kinetic energy ( m*x*x/2 ) it is FACT

I move up pendulum always for the same high so ...? my delta Y ( energy )is constant only X ( velocity ) can change

Please give me perfect spring or plastycyline
(zero lost for hot 100% work )

I'm absolutly sure that we will measure different deformation
if I will have deformation I can evaluate energy

please back to my first You tube ( link is here )


If I have Energy I can evaluate Velocity ( I can confirm or disproove 30 km/s NO !!!)
!!! ( my test = we measure respect to virtual stationary point A in the universe - not respect to Sun )

What is it virtual stationary point A (I know that Earth and mass were in point A short time ago )

Dear Orac What about plastycyline ????

I know what we have in book very well :

" Galileo postulated his relativity hypothesis: any two observers moving at constant speed and direction with respect to one another will obtain the same results for all mechanical experiments (it is understood that the apparatuses they use for these experiments move with them).
This idea has a very important consequence: velocity is not absolute. This means that velocity can only be measured in reference to some object(s), and that the result of this measurment changes if we decide to measure the velocity with respect to a diferent refernce point(s). Imagine an observer traveling inside a windowless spaceship moving away from the sun at constant velocity. Galileo asserted that there are no mechanical experiments that can be made inside the rocket that will tell the occupants that the rocket is moving .
The question ``are we moving'' has no meaning unless we specify a reference frame (are we moving with respect to that star'' is meaningful). This fact, formulated in the 1600's remains very true today and is one of the cornerstones of Einstein's theories of relativity."

Marosz ( post author )
Mathematica give US many options

we can write equations respect to train , respect to Earth , respect to star

But ???

I was in point A -----> I'm in point B ----> I will be in point C

AB=BC so my velocity s constant ( not change )
I'm sorry I no need other bodies to describe montion !!!

Snikers inside my body = energy portion

if I'm going to front of the train my metabolizm change
(only If the train is moving respect the stationary vrtual point A in the universe not respect the Earth)

************* many equations is possible but only one is real and true rest is FALSE and ilusion *******

What You think :):):) ???? 400 years JOKE ----> not !!!

the same problem what I have right now before me had Kopernik and

( nobody trust plastycyline ? ) we can buy special 1 kg from NASA 1 000 000 USD per plastycyline ( please read and learn how important test they made -Hawking can write next book ????) Relativity ????
"TV SHOW with Einstein face and many strange facts zero plastycyline for me joke "

You can be inside train read book and plan respect to what You are moving ( Nature know better ) all in the universe not happen without reason - Energy is absolute and one

Last edited by newton; 09/05/13 04:56 AM.