Originally Posted By: newton

If I will write the same equations respect to Earth more better is go to rear toilet ( lover energy process )

100 km/h - 5 km/h = 95 km/h

Sigh .. sorry fail at basic physics Newton

If you rewrite the equations to earths frame you need to write the energy of the train from earths frame, then rewrite your propose motion from earths frame. You have only written yours and when you write back in the trains motion you get back the 5km you subtracted above.

When you do that correctly the result is the same as your equation from inside the train.

You need to go back and hit the physics books again unlike your previous efforts this one is terrible.

I can explain it to you a more simple way

The earth is spinning you with energy whether you are on the train or not. The train also has energy imparted into it from the spin of the earth whether you are on it or not. When you both come together nothing changes the earth is still spinning you both and so you can ignore the earth effect totally.

If you want of more empirical proof of the above take a strain gauge and attach it to a block. Now walk with the earths spin while dragging the block and note the strain gauge reading, now walk against the earths spin while dragging the block and read the gauge.

How much do you want to bet me that the gauge reads the same value?

Originally Posted By: Newton


The answer is because you are blatantly and trivially wrong and scientists realize it immediately, I say this not to be mean but in the hope you learn from it.

As scientists we go out of our way to test anything that we are unsure of but what you are not doing in your proposals Newton is spending time to think about and remove problems in your experiments. When a scientists sets up an experiment we seek to control everything or at least discuss things we can't control and how they might effect the results.

In your previous version you had lasers and cameras and you jumped to a conclusion rather than looking at and discussing problems in your setup. It took me 30 sec in your previous examples to see the experimental problems.

I truly encourage you do experiments but you need to learn a science philosophy which is assume nothing and look at every component in an experiment and ask how may this be affecting my result.

I will give you a more recent result produced by a school boy who was diligent and it is the weird observation that if you have a container of hot water and a container of cold water and place both in the freezer the hot one will freeze first contrary to what seems logical. The effect is real and now carries his name "Mpemba effect"


The effect is very contrary to themodynamics and is very real and is still not completely explained because it enters the realm of something to do with Quantum Mechanics of water.

There are many discoveries out there to be had but you need to take more care and not make outrageous claims without first having good and well thought out experiments.

Last edited by Orac; 09/04/13 01:36 AM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.