but it would eventually use Zillions of electrical power Watts

unless .......... it has its own power supply that needs no fuel!

whats the big deal anyway about collecting internet information
as I see it restricting information collection from security agencies removes their capability of function.

the problem here is not that the security agencies collected information , the problem is that someone within a security agency betrayed his duty to that security agency by stealing
that collection of information.

this is just the thing that causes wars between nations , the cards are turned so that all can see who's holding what.

thankfully we still have trump cards that trump trump cards.

but its getting more and more difficult to find newer and better trump cards to use in the game.

we saw first hand what happens when security agencies capabilities are decreased on september 11 2001.

least we forget?

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.