
And if you want to talk about climate stability don't talk about the earths climate.

LOL, should/can I talk about the climate stability of Mars perhaps?

I believe that the climate was relatively stable for several billions of years.

where in the graph above is the "stable for several billions of years."

could you please please point out the time frame of the several billions of years of stability in the graph.

It was very unstable for quite a while, when it was covered with active volcanoes and being bombarded by celestial objects.

between which 2 point's on the graph could we find "quite a while"?

Then it stabilized for a good while until life changed the climate by producing enough oxygen for more complex life forms to evolve.

please point out the time frame of the "good while" on the graph

please point out the time frame's of the
unstable quite a while
stable for several billions of years
stabilized for a good while

so that we can compare them with other charts.

That doesn't sound much like climate stability.

bill, the earths climate never has been stable.
it has reached a degree of stability several times.
as recent as 1.8 million years ago the climate reached
a degree of stability as shown in the above chart.

the below is a absolutely astonishing graph that show's the degree of stability that the climate has reached today along
with previous attempts at stability.

notice the last attempt ( apx 130,000 yr ago ) there was an almost level co2 stabilization which was not enough to prevent
the following ice age.

today our higher co2 level's are maintaining the temperature levels from plummeting preventing or stalling the next ice age from occurring.

at this point you either cry troll or back out claiming that
you have expended enough of your valuable time on this thread.

or some other troll will jump in and take over for you.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.