I thank you for your concern. Fortunately here in Tulsa we didn't have all of that snow. Our official snow fall was less than a half an inch. The heavy snow was in Western Oklahoma and on into the Texas Panhandle. They did have heavy snow and problems out there. There was a story on TV about a couple who headed out on I-40 to go to New Mexico to ski. They were trapped on the interstate just this side of Amarillo for 17 hours before help finally got to them. I'm not sure if they were still up for playing in the snow after they got out.

Tulsa has had heavy snow. 2 years ago the whole city was paralyzed for almost a week when we had so much snow that they just couldn't get it moved out. Our street department has snow plows and salt spreaders, but the snow was too deep for them to do much good. It took 3 days before the neighbors across the street came out and worked their way up to the corner by shoveling and wallowing their pickup around. That took them about 3/4 of an hour. After that everybody got out and shoveled their drives and finally started getting out. I was extremely popular right then. I was the only one who had snow shovel. I loaned it to everybody up and down the street.

Bill Gill

C is not the speed of light in a vacuum.
C is the universal speed limit.