Originally Posted By: Paul
you cannot record a humans DNA on (6 GB of DATA)

Thats 4 base pairs needing 2 bits to encode so you can transcribe a full human DNA in 6GB of data.

the human body has apx 100 trillion cells each of which
contain 46 chromosomes.

6 GB of data could not store the amount of information needed
to use to rebuild a single human cell and have all the parts
in the right place and place that cell in the right place.

Paul, it doesn't matter how many cells there are in the body. The DNA is the same in all the cells. The difference between cells depends on how the genes are expressed. This depends on the exact environment in which the cell finds itself when it is first created by division from its parent cell. A brain cell for example becomes a brain cell because it is surrounded by brain cells. The same for all the other tissues in the body. So you only need one copy of the DNA of an individual to recreate the body of that individual. However, when you had done that you would only have a sort of an empty body. There would be no individuality for the body and it would be totally uneducated. The individuality of the body is what would require huge amounts of memory, which is approximately what Orac said.

I make this reply just so that the gentle readers can keep up with the facts, rather than what Paul keeps saying are facts.

Bill Gill

C is not the speed of light in a vacuum.
C is the universal speed limit.