
force = mass x acceleration

several of the members on this forum seem to think that a force
does not require acceleration.

are they correct or is physics correct.

can we toss the old faithfull formula in the trash can.
should we just ignore them.

my problem with their thinking is that in order to have any force
the object that is placing the force must have motion.

and I am used to a force being the product of mass x acceleration

am I wrong about this , because if I am wrong about this
then physics is also wrong.

is physics wrong about this?

is F=ma wrong?

I personally know that those who claim that a force does not
require motion are wrong , but I would like the opinion of others
on the forum who think that F=ma means that in order for there to be a force there must be motion ( acceleration ).

these are the people on the forum who seem to think that F=ma
is wrong.

bill gill

they seem to just toss physics in the trash can in order to
appear as if they are winning their discussion , as if they're accomplishing a goal and physics means nothing to them as long as they are seen as the victor in the discussion.

their attitude in a discussion is

It's all about winning the science discussion

nothing else including science matters.

I think that they think this is just something like
facebook or some other social web site.

and I think that a science forum should allow some social
activity , but a line should be drawn when things like this occur.

and here's proof.

I am suspending myself for lack of interest on my part.
there is no scientific discussion available on this want to be science discussion forum.

if at a later date , I decide that the forum has matured into a science discussion forum , I might return.

bu bye

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.