Hi Rob,

According to special relativity two observers moving relative to each other will, according to their clocks, experience each other's clocks to run slower. Thus within a framework moving at the speed of light relative to you you will experience, according to your clock, that time has stopped. That is why I have pointed out that IF one could have moved with the speed of light, then according to your clock all the other clocks in the universe would have stopped; however, we cannot move with the speed of light through ordinary space-time. The speed of light is the same for all observers, whatever their velocities, and therefore it takes time for light to travel from the sun to the earth. This does not negate the fact (according to relativity) that (according to our clocks) a clock travelling with the light will not tick; i.e from our perspective no time elapses on that clock.

I hope this is of help.

Johnny Boy