I have only just acquired the pug (about 4 months ago). Until then we had a succession of exquisite, elegant, loveable cavaliers to support. They required enormous emotional and physical support just to deal with their highly-bred emotional angst, not to mention the anguish of selecting food they would deign to eat. I loved my cavs, but even I admit they are hard going at times. Then our last, and most needy cavalier had to be put down by the vet. We were all sad. There was a large vacancy when he left us.

Then one day, 4 months ago the vet rang to ask if we would adopt a pug recently brought in as the owners were old frail and could not cope with his needs. She explained he was old, (10), bald from a thyroid condition and needing medication, and deaf! I said OK and so I went to see him.

You cannot imagine him. He was all the things the vet said (plus some more---they DON'T tell you everything).He was really ugly and also had a tongue that hung out of ONE side of his mouth. and funny-shaped ears! It was love at first sight--- and he seemed OK with me too. So I brought him home. We have worked out now that the thyroid condition is Cushing's Disease. Treatable but a bit nasty, and probably the reason he eats anything as pica is often a symptom. He has fitted into our lives as though he was always here and he's still very ugly, though slightly hairy-er.

Nevertheless we are besotted with him and I have turned into the sort of person who greets fellow pug walkers with- "Ohyouv'egotapugI'vegotonetoo!" etc so I understand your wife!

Wil the pug is a small pug and fawn with a black face. Whilst he is still one of the ugliest dogs I have ever seen he has an amazing personality and greets every day with delighted anticipation! Having spent most of my 40 years of dog-owning in the company of the canine equivalent of Hugh Grant, I now feel I am enjoying the rather more robust company of a canine Danny de Vito. Certainly hardly a day goes by that his happiness does not make us smile!

PS The snails are not such a bother now. It is too hot and dry. No rain for 10 days and 41c yesterday and 37c today. Horrible weather. The snails like it cool and rainy! (At the moment so would I).

(Someone will NQS this any day now!)