Originally Posted By: Bill S.
Rev. I feel sure that your comments about "uneducated pygmies in the heart of Africa" were not intended to be racist; I think that would be beneath you...
BS, thanks for your comment. It begs the question: what is racism?

BTW, as I understand it: Unlike the "N" word, pygmy is not a pejorative term.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pygmy_peoples Pygmies are pygmies and I feel that most of them have the education they need to survive where they are. You say
I think it is important to look, not just at the fact that the people involved were educated, but to take into account the content of that "education".
I agree. I also agree when you say
Perhaps it is even more important to consider that education is not just academic input, it includes also child rearing methods.

A study of the beliefs and methods of child rearing, between the wars, in Germany alone would be sufficient to account for all the hatred that erupted in the form of persecution and WW11. That’s without getting into the damage to children that the Victorian mindset had already caused in Britain.
This is why, while not forgetting the somatological and psychological dimensions of life, I am so interested in the pneumatological dimensions as well.

G~O~D--Now & ForeverIS:Nature, Nurture & PNEUMA-ture, Thanks to Warren Farr&ME AT www.unitheist.org