Originally Posted By: Bill S.
1. Mathematical infinities, as propounded by Cantor and his successors, are essentially sequences for which we can find no end and/or beginning. Because we can find no end and/or beginning, they can reasonably be regarded as "boundless", but there is no way in which their infinite nature can be demonstrated.[Interjection: This is what I (LGKing as a unitheist/panentheist)have in mind when I write 'GOD'

2. Physical infinity is a much more abstruse concept. It must be the sum total of all that exists. It must also be space-less and timeless. I am not asking, or expecting, anyone to take these statements "on faith", and I would be happy to expand the ideas behind them, but here I am seeking brevity.[Again I think 'GOD', which is in us as individuals--the un-dividable ones, which I call G0D.

By the way, when the self seeks to divide itself from itself, is this not the first sign of insanity? I think that perhaps we all have schizophrenia in one form or another. Here I include theists who think of a God who is separate and apart from us.

Think anxiety, fear, depression and the like! Think suicide! Think suicidal-terrorism! Think Iraq, Pakistan, Montreal, Tucon, Arizona! Think any kind of crime against self and/or others!]

3. It is, perhaps unfortunate that the same term (infinity) is used for both. They are quite different things.

4. Anything can be swept "under the rug" if the sweeper is sufficiently determined.
Interesting. Thanks! It is good to see scientists? (Who are scientists here? And what is your field?) for discussing what I think of as the "sciences" of pneumatology and theology. IMO, a 'science' is any subject which we are willing to approach with an attitude of wonder, inquiry and philosophy.

Who among us believes there is only one category of science--the hard kind, which studies only concrete matter?

Me? IMO, there are three categories of science--hard, soft and 'O my G0D! what on earth is it?

G~O~D--Now & ForeverIS:Nature, Nurture & PNEUMA-ture, Thanks to Warren Farr&ME AT www.unitheist.org