Originally Posted By: Bill S.
Is there a tangible connection between infinity and the present? We are creatures of the present. We live our entire lives in the present. We may remember the past and plan for the future, but we actually experience life in the present. The future stretches ahead of us, the past expands behind us, the present is always with us, yet we can neither grasp nor measure it. In spite of the all-embracing, inescapable nature of the present, we can ascribe to it no physical size or temporal extent; it is at once something and nothing....
Sounds like what I have in mind when I say:
G0D is both the no-thing that is everywhere, and, as GOD, is the every-thing that is nowhere.

Both are in the eternal and infinite NOW, which, like Nature, is neutral. Whether good or ill will come in future Nows, depends on what we choose to sow in it NOW.

When, in thought word and deed, we sow toxic seeds of divisive rhetoric, seeds designed to spread vitriolic weeds like, bigotry, pride, prejudice, suspicion, doubts, fears, anger and hate ... what can we really expect to reap from such seeds other than an abundant, bitter and death-dealing harvest? Think social unrest! Wars and Civil wars! Think terrorism! Think mass murder!

Social, political, economic and financial leaders, and especially media pundits puleeeese take note.

The good news is: When in thought, word and deed, on our globe--one that is filled with all kinds of nature and human beings, including the marginalized and even suspected enemies--we sow seeds and deeds designed to bring forth a willingness to communicate, sincere empathy, real and practical concern, a sighted faith, lively hopes and a GOD-like agape-love--the kind that is not just so much saccharine sentimentality--the abundant harvest of good things to be shared--and not just the privileged few, but with all of us--can become a reality.

BTW, long before modern science, the martyr Bruno, who gave his life in the cause of spiritual and scientific truth, and other theologians like him, spoke of GOD as like "a sphere of which the centre is everywhere and the circumference nowhere."

Augustine (354-430) is credited with putting it this way: "GOD is like a circle with a centre that is everywhere and a circumference that is nowhere." I like to think that the "everywhere" includes every cell in everything and in everybody.

G~O~D--Now & ForeverIS:Nature, Nurture & PNEUMA-ture, Thanks to Warren Farr&ME AT www.unitheist.org