Impressae, but the way, literally translates to "impress upon" - upon, as in outside. Outside = external, dummy.

no press upon does not mean outside , dummer than I , it means
press upon.

latin has words for outside also they are --> outer, foreign, outside , foris, extra, foras, extraneus, externus

so why wouldnt newton have used the latin words normaly used for outside or external , do you think he was just trying to get your goat?

maybe he was afraid of the inquisition ?

he was illiterate?

I think he would have used the word externus dont you?

I think he said what he meant , all you other dummys changed what he said to fit your thinking , if thats what you call it.

call it newtons revenge.
for using his work to accomplish so many lies.
and for educating or creating so many stupid people.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.