Originally Posted By: kallog
The funny thing is where there might be something to it, they steer clear of uncovering that.

Probably because their clinical trial failure rate currently stands at 100%. That's not exactly a record they want to be adding to.

The one thing that people often misunderstand is the difference between so-called "alternate" medicine and real medicine - once something has been shown to work it becomes real medicine, and in many nations it is illegal for registered pharmaceutical companies to produce compounds that have not passed clinical trials. A small number of "naturopathic" compounds have been found to actually do something - the list is short, but revealing: ginger for nausea, melatonin for jet lag, and ginseng fuyranols (sold as coldFx) for colds, have all been shown in proper clinical trials to have beneficial effects, with reasonable side-effects and toxicities.

All three of those are manufactured and sold by major pharma companies.

If there was one iota of truth to homeopathy you can guarantee that the major drug companies would have patented concoctions of their own, which they would aggressively market to the public.
