"Measurement is desire to know."
Measurement is not desire to know.
Measurements are undertaken because of desire to know.
REP: Agree. But inevitably the Desire almost immediately leads to a thought creation.The process of finding means to satisfy the desire.Thoughts gets executed based upon measurements of 'logical' nature. Thats why Measurement and Desire can not exist independently.Therefore what I said was also right.
A measurement is an estimation or quantification along a dimension.
REP: Qunatification or estimation is not necessary... You measure the whole world without any qunatification.Sometimes you introduce Quantity with discreet measurable values.
Science started with observation.
REP: Science started with Desire .. equally valid.
Observaton started from curiosity.
REP: Curiosity ?? Hope you are not mistaking Curiosity with Intelligence. They are seperate.
An observation can be made without being curious.
Curiosity is one of the more useful characteristics of apes like us.
REP: I am not APE... trust me :-))
In the early days of science journals, people would send in drawings of random junk they observed in their telescopes or microscopes.
There was no organization - it was a free-for-all.It took time to figure organize stuff, to figure out patterns and meta-patterns. Some people are really good at observing, others at theorizing (figuring patterns), others still at creating or executing experiments to confirm or disprove these theories. But I think the order goes something like, though not exactly like, this:
my corrections:
Desire->(Lack of knowledge)Mystery -> (need for knowledge)curiosity ->(not necessary) qualitative observation(it can be a simulation in brain) -> (not necessary)quantitative observation (measurement) ->

REST all is not relevant to the subject:

What can cause a mystery? Well, it's different for different people. For some people, it could be regularity that gets them curious. For others, it could a sudden irregularity in the midst of regularity. And for others, well, they just want to find out.
(Figuring patterns, and not logic, btw, is what human brains are especially well adapted to doing. Not my idea - first pointed out to me by an AI professor, but I agree with it.)
REP: AI professor was right.But it has nothing to do with the topic.