Originally Posted By: Zephir
The fractional hydrino state theory is fringe from simple reason: if hydrogen can get into way less energetic quantum state spontaneously, why all existing hydrogen atoms aren't in hydrino state already?

hydrogen can NOT get into way less energetic quantum state spontaneously, in fact it requires a very "specific" type and spatial confinement of rigid catalyst to concentrate the catalytic action to a level that can disassociate a covalent bond. see new animation http://www.byzipp.com/scenic.swf with new article http://www.scienceblog.com/cms/blog/7200-will-2010-be-year-zero-point-energy-29148.html I haven’t narrated it yet but think this may make my theory a little clearer.

You don't get something for nothing, you must invest enough heat to disassociate the hydrogen such that it can squeeze into the relativistic fields and Casimir geometry of a scale where molecular hydrogen meets resistance. if these fractional hydrogen form a fractional molecule they give off a photon but then find the covalent bond opposes their desire to transition further.

Last edited by froarty; 01/14/10 04:06 PM.