The reason for this is is that according to my model matter does not exist of fundamental particles but of waves with critical radii within which the essence (mass and charge) is present in distributed form.
Therefore it gives an interface between classical and quantum mechanics. The interface is deterined by the critical radius of the wave.
DKV: Please do not expect a single Electron to behave like a Wave ... The wave properties appear only when we extend the discussion to multiple electrons which means that Electron itself is not a wave but something else which determines the fate of Group of Electrons and that something is well known as proability distribution.If you wish to consider the Electron as Wave with distributed Mass and Charge you must give a good reasoning behind it.
When two "particle waves" are far enough apart so that their critical radii do not overlap, then the interaction between the waves is in essence classical. An observer outside both waves (outside means the observer does not overlap with their critical radii) will experience them as point charges owing to Gauss' law. Similarly when you now want to calculate the wave function of one of the entities owing to the presence of the other entity, you can model the latter entity as a point charge. When the waves, however overlaps by so much that their critical radii overlaps, then they interact differently; i.e. quantum mechanics takes over completely.
DKV: All this can be said in great detail using the current understanding of Physics.
Only at this point does a "multi-particle" wave have to form; for example, in the case of dopant waves in a semiconductor this situation occurs when the Mott transition kicks in. The waves then actually delocalise and superpose to form the basis waves which spans the "multiparticle" electron wave which impurity band formation.
DKV: The multiparticle Wave is a wave of what?
The upshot of all this is that causality is back in quantum mechanics because the wave intensity is NOT a probability distribution of where one will find a point particle, but is itself the fundamental building block of nature.
DKV: Who says that Wave is not the fundamental answer but it is not the only one.The cause has always been there.Again your ideas need more clarity with respect to the nature of Wave.
Scroedinger's equation has nothing to do with a particle, but tels one how the wave will evolve (morph) (in shape and energy) when the potential energy term changes.
DKV : It has nothing to do with the Particle but it in the end when you measure it is the Particle which gets measured.In other words a Qunatum of Information gets easured.Discreetness comes out of measurement.Therefore the Critical Radius stuff needs to revisited in your theory becuase for far no one has predicted or discovered any such boundary. For practical purposes your model might work but it fails to give some fundamental answers.And when you give the boundary do you mean to say that anything outside the boundary is not covered by Qunatum Laws?
When the potential energy term does not chage the solutions are a time-independent spectrum of solutions with different energies EACH OF WHICH COULD BE "AN ELECTRON". Although these solutions can be superposed it such superposition can only occur when each wave represents an "electron".
DKV: Again all these arguments are based on incorrect understanding of the Wave you are talking about .. and there is something related to Collapse of Wave Function (refer to Understanding Measurements in this forum)which depends on the Observer.
To form a wave packet of "empty waves" in free space and then to associate it with a single electron violates conservation of energy. A wave packet can thus only form from the conduction electron waves within a material, and this only happens when you apply an electric field. The idea that electron particles are continiously moving within a material, even at absolute zero temperature, must be wrong because there are also positive charges: when charges move relative to each other you must get electro-magnetic radiation!!
DKV: Didnt get any.What is empty wave?

In my model the positive (positron?) seperated from three-dimensional space along the fourth dimension, makes it presence felt because it is responsible for the electron's mass.
DKV: Electron's Mass is felt as a whole.We do not attribute any mass to Positron. Positron and Electrons are well defined with their respective masses.
This separation of matter-antimatter over the fourth dimension might also make its presence felt (as speculated above) by manifesting as dark energy.
DKV: You are asking me to put 80% mass in 4th Dimension that too with a huge three Dimensional Void which actually decreases the Effective Field Strength to negligible and unpredictable values.You must give me a good reason for that.