Hiya Revl.
Enjoy your vacation! Maybe I can keep up the metaphysical phyte around these parts. wink


Science, by definition deals with material reality, so metaphysical considerations fall outside of the realm of "good science."
Now... a sociological study of religion(s) is more close to the good science definition, but that's not why you called.

I would argue though, that science is pushing the bounds of materialism. Or maybe a better way of saying it would be that:
Materialism is starting to limit and constrain science.
Somebody suggested I read "The Web of Life" by Fritjof Capra, 1995. Capra also appreciates Stuart Kauffman's "Recreating the Sacred" ideas.

From The Web of Life
Originally Posted By: Capra's "Web of Life"
This book is about a new scientific understanding of life at all levels of living systems--organisms, social systems, and ecosystems. It is based on a new perception of reality that has profound implications not only for science and philosophy, but also for business, politics, health care, education, and everyday life. ~p.3
Today... we recognize the paradigm shift in physics as an integral part of a much larger cultural transformation. The intellectual crisis of the quantum physicists in the 1920s is mirrored today by a similar but much broader cultural crisis. Accordingly, what we are seeing is a shift of paradigms not only within science, but also in the larger social arena. ~p.5
This, in a nutshell, is the great challenge of our time: to create sustainable communities--that is to say, social and cultural environments in which we can satisfy our needs and aspirations without diminishing the chances of future generations. ~p.4

Integrative science is a tool that this new, holistic perspective uses.
...and as this includes social considerations, ethical judgements, and long-term values, there may be room for some recognition for the values and ethics of religions.

To my way of thinking, the religions--like the sciences--are tools we use to try and understand reality.
None of them are reality, or perfectly describe reality; but they work well as tools to help us evolve.

~ smile

Pyrolysis creates reduced carbon! ...Time for the next step in our evolutionary symbiosis with fire.