Originally Posted By: Revlgking
Originally Posted By: softmachine

To those who say that I am off topic: Have you actually looked at what Dr. Ben Goldacre is all about?
Like all valid religions, his book is aimed at the checking and challenging the morals and ethics of those who say they "do" science, but who are doing bad science. He is also not impressed by the media, generally speaking, and the way the report on science.

Take note: Moral and ethics are very much the concern of religion. Would you not say: Goldacre is talking religion?

Religion is belief and opinion based on separation of individualism and the identity of the ego. So why do you want to discuss religion in this topic of bad science?
We can tag bad science with many other ideas of cause and effect aside from morality. We could talk about relationships which create tension and judgment variations due to stress. Or educational limitations where science is limited by knowledge, or politics which have an effect on scientific points of interest.
Why do you want to bring Religion into this conversation Reverend? (Oh how silly of me... your a reverend, of course everything revolves around religion in your world. Why else would you choose to go by the Title of REVEREND King instead of scientist or pneumatologist King)