Yes, well. I'm not sure that I should upset the particle "realities" that the previous contributors have constructed for themselves.

I'm just an everyday realist-materialist who endeavours to understand the Universe is a totally connected manner.

It just so happens that for all of its sucess in the area of technology physics (the abstractionist paradigm) is not so good at representing the non-technological Universe.

If it wasn't me, then it would have been someone else, who debunked so many of its cherished assumptions about the Universe.

I think the one I like the most is the atomic clocks experiment. The rate of atomic decay is relative to the density of the impacting emission. A most profound interpretation just sitting there waiting to be realized. It so neatly demonstrates how treating time as a thing-in-itself leads you to overlook the real result.

Like I said, I will leave you to your particle realities.

Stephen Mooney