Originally Posted By: Iztaci

Piezoelectric generators may hold some promise given a little time. Piezoelectricity has been around for years but only for igniting pilot lights and cigarette lighters. And a fad sneaker with little LEDs on it......... but I have seen some news about a sidewalk implementation where the pressure from foot steps could power street lamps. I've lost that link but it ............ could add up to a significant saving on coal smoke, spent batteries and nuclear waste.

Originally Posted By: Mike Kremer

I read an article ten years ago that the Israeli's dropped a heavy copper cable, 2000ft long, one end into the Dead Sea, the other end down a Well.
They obtained 1.2 Volts DC at an undisclosed number of Amps.
The metal ends on the cable, were not disclosed either.

You mention Electricity savings.
This could be easily achieved by taking out every other street lamp in most of our cities, at non intersections?
I believe the Canadians have been experimenting with LED street lamps.
But they have certainly done a wonderful job in lighting up the CN Tower, with Multi-color LED's at Niagara Falls.
As shown in short Video below.



"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.