Originally Posted By: TrueInquirer
Ideology is often criticized as a cause of war and oppression in society. Does anyone here think it's possible to pursue their own interests without an ideology - if so, how do you propose this would work?
Without the limited interpretations created by hypnosis or cultural programming, or ego, when one becomes in tune with nature one does not destroy or manipulate nature in favor of maintaining a destructive way of life.
Ideology created from ignorance of Nature is the ignoring of certain natural laws.

For example the stripping of our planet of the oxygen generators and food bearing environments in favor of special interests in what we idealize as progress and financial security.
We poison the air, the groundwater, our food supplies, create systematic reduction in hormonal growth and advanced decay of our bodily immune systems to please the need for social and economic development to support military strength and strong borders to repel those who have differing opinions and lesser ideals.

I was addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but then I turned myself around!!