Using the cat as a thought experiment is valid. Taking it literally is preposterous. Quantum mechanics has never been shown to operate at the level of macroscopic objects ... and certainly not self-aware sentient ones.

If someone chooses to believe that a whole cat is a quantum object ... they are a fool.

You can not talk about the cat on one hand and then claim you are not in the very next paragraph ... which is it?

But to your final question: "Are all of the possibilities known? A question either rhetorical or pushing the boundary of being a stupid question. Of course not. But that doesn't mean that many possibilities can be excluded from the list of possibilities.

Flexibility in physics should extend as far as possible given that known limits are not violated. So claiming the speed of light in a vacuum is Orange is pure garbage by any definition that does not revolve around the use of hallucinogenic drugs. Trying, as I think you may be, to put an equals sign between "any uneducated idiotic fantasy" and "possible" doesn't belong in this universe.

DA Morgan