ImranCan - this is more than "fishy", it's absolutely ludicrous.

We were suspicious of the data because it didn't jive with our "models". How do you resolve this? Easy, look hard enough at the poor data, find an issue with it (which will result in an increased warming trend), and change the data. Welcome to "climate science".

This is seemingly a common practice in climate science. Word has it that GISS global average temperatures back in the 1930, have somehow being moving downwards. I guess if the present isn't warming as much as you want, you can always cool the historic years, right? sick

When are climate scientist going to realize you can't statistically model accuracy into an inaccurate system. It certainly can't be resmoothed to accuracies within tenths of a degree.

It would seem that climatology just can not let go of bad data and insists that you can smooth bad data into something valuable.

We should never be fiddling with data that was never intended, or taken with enough accuracy, to determine temperature changes in tenths of a degree. But yet the insanity continues.