Surfings searching for IR spectra of atmospheric nitrogen gas.
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The spectrum of molecular nitrogen
Alf Lofthus
Institute of Physics, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Paul H. Krupenie
Optical Physics Division, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234

This is a critical review and compilation of the observed and predicted spectroscopic data on the molecule N2 and its ions N2 – , N2 + , N2 2 + , and the molecule N3. Each electronic band system is discussed in detail, and tables of band origins and heads are given. In addition to the gas phase electronic, electron and Raman spectra, there are also examined the spectra of condensed molecular nitrogen as well as the pressure- and field-induced infrared and microwave absorption. Dissociation energy of N2, predissociations, and perturbations are discussed. Potential energy curves are given, as well as radiative lifetimes, f-values, and Franck-Condon integrals. Molecular constants are listed for the known electronic states. Electronic structure and theoretical calculations are reviewed.
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data -- January 1977 -- Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 113-307
~pay site- frown
Nitrogen cycle: 78% of the air consists of nitrogen. Bacteria fixate nitrogen gas from the air and form nitrogen compounds. Tiny insects consume the bacteria, and these in turn are eaten by larger animals and birds that digest the nitrogen compounds and use it in organic tissues. Animal feces and the decay of dead animals goes through a process of putrefaction in which ammonia is produced. Ammonia, which has a strong odor, releases some nitrogen into the air and returns some nitrogen into the soil. Plants use nitrites in the soil as a nutrient. Dead plants putrefy, produce ammonia and release nitrogen to the air and the soil. Atmospheric nitrogen is an inert, colorless, odorless gas, and has no known influence on the greenhouse effect.

Carbon dioxide cycle: Plants consume carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere in the process of photosynthesis. Carbon is removed from the CO2 and is processed into plant fibre. When a tree is burned, the charred wood and ashes consist mostly of carbon. Animals eat plants and integrate some of the carbon into their bodies. Life on earth is carbon-based, and the source of that carbon is carbon dioxide in the air. CO2 in the air is replenished by the exhalations of animals as they breath, by plants as they release gases, by forest fires that release CO2 along with carbon ash in smoke, and by the fumes from the rotting of dead plants. Volcanic eruptions and industrial processes also add CO2 to the air. Atmospheric carbon dioxide seems to have increased during the last century from some combination of volcanic eruptions, forest fires, and industrial processes. The relative importance of these three as causes of increased CO2 is not clear. Whether increases in CO2 in the air boost the yield of farm plants is a topic of study and debate. Like nitrogen and oxygen, CO2 is a colorless, odorless gas.

Although neither nitrogen or oxygen has an influence on the greenhouse effect, for some reason CO2 is assumed by environmentalists to influence the greenhouse effect so as to cause global warming. We are all waiting for an explanation of how CO2 differs from nitrogen and oxygen in its influence on the greenhouse effect. Until such explanation is forthcoming, it seems reasonable to suspect that the theorists are failing to differentiate between wholesome CO2 and poisonous CO1 (carbon monoxide) and other toxic gases that accompany CO2 in industrial pollution. Why are the global warming theorists singling out a wholesome gas that is necessary for life on earth as the culprit of the impending disasters they are predicting?

Glass is a crystalline frozen liquid much like ice, except glass melts at a vastly higher temperature than ice. Glass refracts light, and light shining through glass objects can produce tiny rainbow images. Like glass, both water and ice refract light, resulting in rainbows or rainbow images. Clouds can refract light and produce rainbows because clouds consist of water droplets. Rainbows are more visible and spectacular just after a rainfall when the clouds begin to clear and sunbeams pierce the air when it is still filled with tiny water droplets. Since water droplets in clouds refract light in a manner similar to greenhouse glass, cloud cover as a metaphor for a greenhouse is logically valid.

The burden of proof lies with those who claim that CO2 gas has a greenhouse effect, because they have presented no understandable mechanism or process that explains how CO2 gas in the atmosphere increases heat on earth. The greenhouse metaphor that is successful for water droplets in clouds appears to be a failure when applied to CO2 gas. If we receive evasions instead of answers and explanations from scientists on this crucial question, we have a right to conclude that global warming theory does not make sense, and we can consign it to the accumulating heap of junk science, along with the discarded theory of global cooling of thirty years ago.
The strong bond makes it chemically stable and non-reactive in most circumstances. Nitrogen's simple structure is unable to absorb either visible or infrared light. As a result, nitrogen is not a greenhouse gas.

SEARCHED: "N-N vibrational"
Alkyldiazenato ligands in complexes display a broad range of ν(NN) vibrational energies that fall between 1950 and 1450 cm−1
A two dimensional linear model has been developed representing the rate constant in terms of a convolution of two generalized line shape functions, which enabled us to study the distribution of vibrational energy among the diatomic N2 molecules resulting from the thermal decomposition of N2O. Some predictions concerning the determination of single level decay probabilities and vibrational distribution of the molecular products are presented.
experiments show that N-N vibrational energy is. more efficient than translational energy in promoting the. dissociation rate. Hence the N ...
the ranges of O2 and N2 translation velocities in sea-level air,. the 0-0 and N-N vibrational velocities in sea-level air, and. the nominal C-H, N-H, and ...
abstr.: An analogy can be drawn between the sonic barrier in transonic flight, the thermal barrier in supersonic or hypersonic flight, and the limiting of the detonation process in high explosives.
The N-N vibrational frequencies are significantly smaller than in the free nitrogen molecule, 2359 cm-1, suggesting a large perturbation by the alkali atom. ...

In fact, most of the excited states have stable potential well representing the excited complexes (or exciplexes). The spectroscopic data for the 1 2Π state and the 1 2B1 state are reported in Table 1. The N-N vibrational frequencies are significantly smaller than in the free nitrogen molecule, 2359 cm-1, suggesting a large perturbation by the alkali atom. This frequency shift is larger for the linear case with respect to the C2v case. This is in agreement with the bond strength: the linear complex is indeed much strongly bonded than the C2v isomer.

...another couple of hours of my life I'll never get back....

Last edited by samwik; 05/30/08 02:38 AM. Reason: add crossref.

Pyrolysis creates reduced carbon! ...Time for the next step in our evolutionary symbiosis with fire.