Surely we all decide on what we feel are the fundamentals of our more cherished beliefs, some of us band with others in groups that have codified the particular set of rules (ie fundamentals) that they recognise as true. The trick is to be polite and not harass people who feel differently. Sometimes, of course , people are wrong, and their particular fundamental belief did not work. The Earth really did go round the sun, and the world did not end on any of the hundreds of dates prophesied.

Here are some more crazy beliefs.
Virgin Birth (well OK I mean for humans)
Life after death.
Adam and Eve, and original sin
Plus a lot of etcs

Often there can be no experts in a particular field because we have not yet worked it out, or maybe do not even know of its existence!! We don't know everything, and I'll be sorry if we ever do! A few crazy ideas can be good sometimes, but I acknowledge that blind adherence to faith in some instances is very dangerous. We must always continue to question, rather than assuming we understand the fundamentals.