Originally Posted By: paul
New research from the University of California - San Diego

You know , I ( personaly ) wouldnt believe a thing that a university in california , especially southern california , to be more precise san diego state university , have to say !!
So I hope they are enjoying their GOOD weather they are having now , and the even BETTER weather to come...LOL

[quote=Mike Kremer]

Prehaps its nothing to worry about since the URL states:-

The study found strong evidence that an ice sheet about 50-60 percent the size of the modern Antarctic ice cap existed for about 200,000 years.

So, if our present Ice sheets shrink by half, going by past events , we neednt worry too much.

Even Planet Mars has a huge ice sheet


But now they have discovered that a couple of tidal marks have shown that the sea is actually getting lower in these two
places.....due to the land rising from loss of glacial ice weight.
I will soon be all change....and recompile using the latest data


"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.