The Earth's magnetic field is a topic that I have spent much time studying. Unfortunately, I have little time these days to participate in these forums. I tried to discuss this with my first post here, and received a "warm" welcome from the belligerent purple people eater. LOL! Such bitterness!

Anyway, I have many ideas about the field that need further research. So, I'll just give you a couple of ideas and a couple of links, and hope that I don't get my head bit off. lol


Crack in field above the Arctic the size of California...

"In the new observations, the Imager for Magnetopause to Aurora Global Exploration (IMAGE) satellite revealed an area almost the size of California in the arctic upper atmosphere where a 75-megawatt "proton aurora" flared for hours. A proton aurora is a form of Northern Lights caused by heavy solar ions striking Earth's upper atmosphere, causing it to emit ultraviolet light--invisible to the human eye but detectable by the Far Ultraviolet Imager on IMAGE. While this aurora was being recorded by IMAGE, the 4-satellite Cluster constellation flew far above IMAGE, directly through the crack, and detected solar wind ions streaming through it."


The field started weakening right when the little ice age ended, and is moving four times faster than normal. This is another old article from 03, and I have heard that the pole is now crossing Siberia at record speed...But I haven't verified this.


Any website on magnetic refrigeration should explain how a weakening magnetic field will affect the magnetic dipoles of atoms and cause warming.


I have a strong feeling that the Magnetic field is responsible for evolution. Our brainwaves are tuned to the frequency of the field, and if it changes, I have no doubt that we will mutate. Also, I wonder if some mental disorders are linked to people who are slightly "out of tune" and can be cured by a device to adjust the frequency to "tune them in". A crude example would be a helmet that generates Schuman resonances in the same frequency as their brain.

I have many more ideas about the field...but, that's all they are...ideas. I wouldn't be surprised if all of the following are related to a weakening field, or frequency change.

El Nino, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, volcanoes, higher cancer rates, climate change, Triangle phenomenon, faster moving magnetic poles, stronger or more frequent geomagnetic storms causing power blackouts, communication blackouts, migratory animal problems, animals sensing earthquakes.....and so on.

Thank you for your time.

Last edited by Max; 11/06/07 04:41 PM.