Hiya Ellis,

I think what you wrote sounds altruistic; not as you described.

I shoulda composed this first, because i've had several different lines of thought as i sit here to write.

"...when it seemed to make so much sense...." -E.

...isn't there some Rod Stewart song...?

It is always a little surprising when we are able to see more layers or depth in a subject.

Discrimination between something beneficial or deleterious is a good thing.
Equality that creates sameness and discourages diversity is a bad thing.

...of course there's equality of opportunity to strive for, but even that is very context dependent.

..oh yes, re: "...the abolition of these and other "artificial constructs...." I wonder if Recognition (literally, re-thinking) of the constructs, and putting them in context, might be enough.

There were some thoughts I had involving Capitalism and freedom; and linking them with increasing opportunities and "contexts." Maybe later. Sorry, I'll try to get Back On Topic.

I was also thinking of conversations as being an evolutionary process; because language is interpreted through cumulative context and is mutated slightly through each iteration of utterance. smile

Now that was a fun phrase! smile

...that was supposed to be BOT, but...anyway.


Pyrolysis creates reduced carbon! ...Time for the next step in our evolutionary symbiosis with fire.