Let's not be so ignorant about a terrible crime:

* There were approximately 4,890 rapes of males age 12 and over in the United States in 1994. The rate for rapes of males was .8 per 1,000 persons age 12 or older. (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1997).
* In 1985, the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics reported in The Crime of Rape that there were 123,000 male rapes over a ten-year period. (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1985).

And that's just the REPORTED incidents. Non-reporting of male rape is so common that burglars have been known to rape the victims of their home invasion robberies just to keep them from going to the police.

Trust me, these people did NOT say "thank you".

Rape is not a sexual act. It is a power play. Being raped is not a pleasurable sexual experience. It is a denigrating, soul crushing loss of control to a monster.

To talk about it being something that you'd say "Thank You" about is to completely yank the rug out from under the victims of these crimes and shows a complete and total disregard for the well-being of others. It's abominable that so many people think like you do. You should, quite honestly, be ashamed.
