Dictionary definition:- Masculinist = An advocate of mens rights
opp. feminist; cf. hominist

I,m so glad to hear this, there is no doubt that more and more women are pleased, and welcome the fact that more men are saving the world, by staying at home and looking after its future. i,e The family children. Their education, is of paramount importance. With more and more children growing up accepting life through their father and his "new mans eyes" The working women, and the stay-at-home man is becoming the accepted norm.
No-where is this type of life happening more than in Europe.
Prehaps society will get better, run smoother?
Since more and more women are holding down high profile jobs, driving four wheel gas guzzlers seeing their psychiatrist, popping pills, drinking, and even commiting suicide,...a result of the mental strains of looking after their family,and keeping up with the neighbours.
Good on you scgp02, when you come home and your man tells you he put his feet and relaxed for a couple of hours in front of the TV, between a trip to the Laundromat and the fast food take away
...you know he is a liar.

Relish Today Ketchup Tomorrow!

--------Mike Kremer-------


"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.