The question what is time has generated many ideas and quotes, all of which are both entertaining and informative. There is a human element that I think was not adequately covered. I guess you could say there is real time and theoretical time. From my standpoint theoretical time deals with the scientific study of natural phenomenon where in altered time, as opposed to real time, is used to explain or try to explain some observed or tested happening.

Real time is what we live by. We are an Earth focused species that wants to interpret almost all circumstances in terms of Earth factors. Pick up an average book on astronomy and you will find almost all references in terms of Earth relation ships. Every planet has so many Earth days ? not rotations. Mass is shown as Earth =1 and then how the rest equate, like Jupiter is 317 times us.
My point is that if time was a stand alone fact Earth relationships are not at all meaning full in real time for what is going on in space. On planet Earth we live so many years composed of 365 days because it takes us that long to make a trip around the sun. If you lived on Mars it would take about 668 Earth days for the same trip, does that mean that time is traveling slower on Mars and we would live more days there in the same number of years or possibly would it mean more years? Time is an important measure only so long as it is not flexible. When we measure time it must relate to something specific. I will cut this short but it is important not to let clever or important theories, as yet evolving, influence your concept of when you must be at work tomorrow. For me time is a measure that we created to tell today from yesterday- never to be repeated, or duplicated in the exact same way.