Time is continuity, just the other side of infinity.
Our universe, a finite derivative thereof,
a white hot ember, aflight,
is bound and determined by the song that molded our ride.

Now!time is a slide show.
As a wave travels through water, the cosmic background hosts life teleported from Now! to Now!
We step to the tune of the CMB,
Now! to Now!, at 300Ghz?, 2x10^-43?

My thoughts' of Planck!time always end with a smile.
Imagine the temerity,
We ascribe the point beyond which time itself can not peer.
We've created God in our own image, and he's returned the favor.

Or, Is this the point at which we lose touch with time,
by definition, the realization denied us for our ephemeral existence?
In time, free from unsanctioned intrusion, a universe is borne.