Good question Mike.

Just like we have Dante's 'Nine Circle of Hell', we also have Heaven's 'Squares' smile

In the inner square we have people like Mother Theresa, Joan of Arc, Lady Diana and the Queen Mother. We also have all the ex's. The ex-murderers, ex-prostitutes, ex-robbers, ex-Anthropic Global Warming deniers and ex-6 Day Creationists (there is much fun to be had watching the creationists as Jesus explains how evolution works and the 'ex-6 days' still miss the point and become 6 Day Evolutionists).

In the outer square (which is Heaven's equivalent of the Dark Side, inhabited by people who only just made it), we have certain Popes, Jimmy Swaggart and every other Tele-Evangelist, Michael Behe, most Catholics (only joking Wayne), George Bush, and our very own Uncle Al who simply out-argued God into letting him in.

And of course in the reception area we have Dan Morgan, who is arguing with the angelic receptionist. Dan's there to 'take God down' and bring him before the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity.
Fortunately for God, the court can only prosecute crimes committed on or after July 1, 2002, the date its founding treaty, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, entered into force. Luckily for God, he did most of his smiting before 2002. Well actually it was nothing to do with luck as he obviously foresaw the ICC coming.

A God who could put this universe together and come up with mind blowing things like evolution, quantum madness, the human mind, and best of all - BREASTS, shouldn't find it too difficult to make heaven interesting.
