Richard, I'm thinking you hadn't read my post above [10/28, 2:08PM], when you responded to my:

"Maybe these mammoths ...such a smart mammoth!


P.S. Isn't this a good example of a thread that maybe should be moved over to "not-quite-sci;" or maybe duplicated over there. After duplication, that new thread could go on speculating, and the this original could get back to discussing whatever this thread started with -Ice? [update: no, it was Ocean Arrays...]

AND it'd be nice to put this "P.S." in a side-bar & also add it to the other thread re: (now I can't go look at the title without losing all my typing here, so I'll call it) Climate Change Forum Modifications."
[update: no, it was Suggestions for Climate Threads]
* * * --end quote from the other thread

So, good examples of structural changes to the fora themselves, rather than rules or guidelines. Composing offline helps counter some of these problems (one can be more certain of the current status of the fora when posting), and one can navigate around to find quotes or references without losing the current composition.

Might be nice to have a button so a response could be posted on multiple threads (as relevance might suggest), rather than relying on cut'n'paste.


P.S. ...and I hadn't read your immediately preceeding post when this one was written. ~S

Pyrolysis creates reduced carbon! ...Time for the next step in our evolutionary symbiosis with fire.