Way Cool, DA....

"Even though Maldacena's universe was very different from ours, the elegance of the theory suggested that our universe might be something of a grand illusion - an enormous cosmic hologram (New Scientist, 27 April 2002, p 22)."

As do the several other theories, re: my 10/16 post:
"If I want to think of outside the universe (our 4-D universe), I think of it as a 4-D bubble on an anti-DeSitter membrane in 8-space being sucked into a blck hole. -Hey, maybe that's why we're expanding; being stretched as we decend into the black hole. Hope this gives you a laugh (...but pause for a thought too). I've certainly questioned all these [4-D] precepts too; and still do!"

Speaking of relativity, "Now that notion has been shattered, says Susskind"



P.S. I wasn't kidding, check out anti-deSitter space (or just deSitter space).
~Space is defined by the horizons around (& within) it. Dimension ~= Horizon ??

Pyrolysis creates reduced carbon! ...Time for the next step in our evolutionary symbiosis with fire.