Hiya trilobyte.
Long time, eh?
Well, technically you shouldn't be speaking of "the religion of evolutionism." That's not an accurate description of either religion or evo-ism. Though I guess if you define evo-ism as religion because you put -ism on the end, then....
Didn't someone else point this out last week.
I'm lucky now, my computer is working, but nobody has posted on my questions about "sources" and "anthros/naturas."
My main point was that I don't understand your question.
I don't get "statement of faith" I guess.
Do you mean other religion that contradicts evo. or basic principle of evo-theory (that contradicts the observations or predictions or derived arguments.
I better go while the gettin' is good.
Thanks for letting me talk a bit.
See ya,

Pyrolysis creates reduced carbon! ...Time for the next step in our evolutionary symbiosis with fire.