Sorry to be gone so long, but looks like anyman is still busy too; so....

...from previous page, this thread:

""My point in referring to theories as "tools," is that they work for our purposes; and that should be the extent to which we rely on a theory's power.

As to their description of "true reality," maybe this is some sort of grand illusion. Maybe really we're just sitting on the back of an elephant being sucked into a black hole (re: your 10/26 post: "Can you Wrap your Mind..." <> ).
?or as I put it, ?a 4-D bubble on an anti-DeSitter membrane in 8-space, being sucked into a black hole.? **
** ...from the post on ?not-quite-sci.?, ?Expanding Universe,? 10/16, 10:53 PM



Quoted from: Can you wrap your mind around this?
DA: That was an excellent conclusion (along with Te's) for the God&science thread, but I just had to clarify my take on this analogy used on that thread. It seemed too off-topic over there, but is much more on-topic here (if not too picky).

?According to Bob, the elephant went through and floated along happily for eons until it turned into spaghetti.? -from the NewScientist link above-

Just to clarify (although I?m sure we?re both partially wrong), I see it as if we are ?Bob? riding along with the elephant (the universe, or 4-D bubble) as it is sucked into the event horizon, floating happily along it?s trajectory (the anti-deSitter membrane) toward the singularity, stretching ?for eons until it [the universe/elephant] turned into spaghetti.?

Long live the Flying Spaghetti Monster!

Out in 8-space, Alice (God) is watching curiously, as we are, as you say, ?desperately trying to comprehend our environment and our condition.?

Long may we ride the FSM!

*_* END Quoted from: Can you wrap your mind around this?

To recall the meat of this thread, page 5 would be a good review. I've included some relavent comments above, from a simultaneous thread.
I had written this post below back on the 28th-29th but never did post it (computer problems, etc.).
It still seems like a good wrap-up.
Any Comments? ~still welcome

Pyrolysis creates reduced carbon! ...Time for the next step in our evolutionary symbiosis with fire.