But is speciation falsifiable?

I only ask because I'm not sure. As I say, based upon the preponderance of evidence I accept evolution.

I have wondered in my less than better moments whether it was possible to mis-interpret much of the evidence because it is viewed through a paradigm. My belief is that most people come to a conclusion about evolution long before they sufficiently understand the evidence. This then impacts the way they actually come to the evidence. We have had major paradigm shifts in the past that have made us re-evaluate evidence.

I have to admit that my tendency to think there is some design in evolution (ie. some guiding principles set into the basic laws of the universe that stacked the cards in the first place so that an end (sentient creatures) could be achieved) is powered by my faith and has nothing whatsoever to do with science. It is backed up by an emotional and intuitive belief that purely random processes cannot produce some of the complexity we see. I FEEL there must be some driving force.

So it's nothing scientific for me, but just subjective. I can understand where Trilobyte comes from and it probably wouldn't matter how much I understood the math of genetic mutations, hot-spots (how did hot-spots come into being in such an advantageous way?) etc. I would still at the core of me have a feeling inside that it is in some way too incredible to just be.

Okay I'm rambling - don't be too hard on me, I'm just being honest with you...
