Originally posted by paul:
"what does the fact that we dont know everything have to do with knowing things like evolution."

where exactly do you find evidence that your evolution is exactly correct as you believe?

do you find it in the ground that is now above water?

have you carried out excavations below the oceans
, how do you know in all of your wisdom that there were not men living on earth when the sea levels were much lower?

your evolution may in fact be exactly backwards it may be found that apes evolved from man.
due to environmental reasons , your evolution may in fact be just environmental adaptations.
most of this is nonsense.

one there is evidence of life existing several million years ago. according to creationist, thats not possible.

how can apes have evolved from man, when man did not exist then. where is the evidence that man predates the beings that both man and apes evolved from. for that matter who has ever said that man evolved from apes? creationist claim that is what scientist have said, but scientist claim that they both have a common ancester.

If you read the evidence in threads i have posted in a few months, they know how low the sea levels have been for the last several million years. The sea was 120 meters lower about 20,000 years ago, which would have left a lot of land that is not now used. the thing is, why would they stay in such a small area, instead of spreading around the world. It did not take the sea levels that long to fall that far, and it did not take them more than a couple thousand years to rise. If man had lived as man before the sea levels fell, he would have left his mark on other areas. If he only evolved (or was created) during that time. then why was he only in that area. If god had decided to create the garden of eden but had forgotten to put it in a place that would stay there for long, that was not very good planning. If he did put it there, then it was not eve that go man barred from the garden, it was nature. Mother nature, we know thee, and your name is eve. (sarcasm alert) Now the question is, when man had to leave the land that was then recovered by the sea, why did they not leave more evidence. why did their settlements not suddently appear in all the areas that were now sea shore. there is no evidence of a mass migration from the lower land to the new sea shores.

If you want to find the evidence of evolution, go to any natural science museum and look at how things are connected. Look at how old things are. look at how there is a progression. Not all the links have been found, but they have found a lot of links. Then tell me, without saying the words bible or god, why should we disbelieve the evidence right in front of our noses.

the more man learns, the more he realises, he really does not know anything.