"Now, when humans talk about killing something they are driven by instinct to perceive as human in order to produce miracle cures, there is an obvious paralel to the long standing and still ocurring practice of sacrificing human beings to produce miracles. "

The parallel is all the more obvious to someone who ascribes motives and reasoning to people which they do not possess. Not all people are driven by instinct to believe that embryos are human beings. It's doubtful that anyone thinks of embryos as human beings out of instinct.

Some people may consider the promise of embryonic stem cell research to be a miracle, but those are the people who are already prone to believe in fairy tales. That some people have unreasonable expectations doesn't mean everyone does. For the most part, this is a strawman created and fostered by religious fanatics. So far as I can see, most people who support this kind of research have no expectation of pay-offs in the near term.

"I got bored with playing video games so I visited again to futilely wave the flag of logic and factual reality in the face of the religious fanatics here. "

One hopes you are better at video games than you are at logic.