here is a quote from your source.

Space is said to expand when the locations of objects sitting in that space get farther apart, more than they would have just by coasting around with known velocities and forces.
this does not say that there is not movement, just that all of the expansion is not accounted for by the movement of the galaxies.

another interesting point is that wikipedia shows a graphic of everything coming out of a singularity. perhaps it should be stated instead that we are expanding away from a point where that singularity was. Neither of those state that there is no motion. if there is none, then there must be a contraction of space between us and Andromeda.

here's an interesting thought. if the expansion of space allows for faster than light movement (re your wikipedia link), perhaps that would be the key to "faster than light" travel. perhaps our great, great great.... grandchildren will figure a way to use it to get to the stars and other galaxies.

the more man learns, the more he realises, he really does not know anything.