DA Morgan

So you do not see any problems with the Big Bang Theory? Do you believe that it is a near perfect representation, soon to become a law of science?

Do you not see the increase in sites and postings, questioning the theory? Or see science looking at other possibilities, like brane theory. The big bang is not proven yet, why should we not look for a theory that might fit the facts better.

I guess I could provide all the referances to these many sites, comments and forums, but most places would consider that spamming. On the other hand you could do a simple web search and come up with a comprible list, and I would not have to spam this site with a hord of so-so links. I did provide author, book title and page number for the quotes I did use. I guess people don't bother to read much anymore, and would rather just have a convenent web link.

Science should always look for a better theory, if they can find one that fits the observed facts better than the current theories. My comment at the start of my post. "Big Bang is losing support, time for a new theory." was meant to draw attention to my post, and suggest that not all is fine with the big bang theory, and that we should look at, or consider the possibility it may not be 100% correct.

Now if you are a supporter of the big bang theory, and back it as the only possible solution, that if fine, more power to you. I however am trying to be objective, and looking for any theory that might fit the observed facts more closely than the big bang does. This is part of the scientific method is it not? Do not pass such efforts off as "Nonsense. Utter. Total Nonsence" I was offering a link that gave a theory I had not heard of before. Why, so people could look at the theory and evaluate on its own merits. I did not pass judgement on this theory myself in the post.

My mistake was in thinking that a science forum, on a thread devoted to "An alternative theory to the big bang" might be interested in a link to alternative theories. Forgive me for being so clueless. It is now obvious that this thread is really meant to support the big bang theory, and belittle anything else.

So I bid you adue, and will not bother you any more with links to new theories you don't want to hear about anyway.