Originally posted by DA Morgan:
You don't understand it correctly. The theory does not say anything about before the big bang. It doesn't even have anything to say about what happened in the first instants after the big bang. We can't see back that far into the past.
apparently you've not read much about the subject.

the theory states that all matter was in a small area different theories about as to the size of it. i believe it was Georges Lema?tre that first proposed a primeval atom. (http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/academy/universe/b_bang.html

here's another


why don't you stop making statements that are so easy to show the idiocy of it and do a little research before claim to have any knowledge of something. its very tiring to see you try to claim to be an expert on everything when the only thing you have shown any knowledge of is political mud-slinging.

the more man learns, the more he realises, he really does not know anything.