DA Morgan and others argue a point:

I will commence by noting I could not conveniently save all of the offers made by our members.

With that discrepancy in mind I think I can still offer a viable view.

As to our DA there is a little laxity in the reasoning when jumping to conclusions. The prospect of life compounds everywhere proves nothing except that those substances are where they are. I suppose that a Big Bang is the best means of distributing this special stuff. Some measly special thing could not do it? How do we reason this way? Nothing can be a start for some thing. But no thing can be a start for every thing. I admit that I grow tired of the clan jumping on the bandwagon of illogical conclusions. This, to me, has nothing whatever to do with superior beings or special exotic forms of Mass. I would like to respond to each post in this collection but I did not print them out so I shall just ?fade away?.