jjw said, re the Biblical God?s methods:
...not one that is bent on destruction simply for personal attention.

Blacknad questioned:

This statement doesn't accurately represent any biblical picture of God and I would have a real problem with a superior being who's destruction is in effect just saying 'Hey - look at me.' There are other reasons why God destroys and its those that need questioning, not straw men.

Jjw reply:

While the bible presents much that may require interpretation this issue is not one that I see in doubt. References to things like ?there shall be no other gods before you?; the killing of the followers that made ?craven images? or worshiped Bal or did any squeaky thing diverting their attention or worship of ?it? elsewhere, was enough to warrant extinction. Every where within the bible the followers are compelled to submit to this one and only this one supreme control. That, to me, is the ultimate in seeking complete attention and getting it by force.

Possibly I simply read it differently from you. I see no free will offered by the Bible?s God. Those that had other beliefs were destroyed, routinely. This is very much like the conduct of people, not gods. There is a curious fact in the bible story to the effect that the Hebrew god never had the Hebrews directly attack Egypt as it did all of the other surrounding land owners. True, some alleged miracles of torture were visited upon the Egyptians while Moses bargained for their release (and god hardened pharaoh?s heart against the release?) but that was about it. The Egyptians had a litany of gods of all types and designs but that did not seem to upset the Hebrew god all that much.

I am probably committed to the idea that the benefactors of the Hebrews were not gods as creators of heaven and earth but rather some travelers with advanced science that decided to have some fun at humanities expense. Where did they go? It is just as likely as not that they ran short of fuel and had to split. Did their god die? Do not confuse the biblical god with the entity known as Jesus Christ. They are two different stories and different attitudes. That is all my preaching for today. Is this origins?