That's the problem here Blacknad.

This is not "one individual."

This is the latest in a long line that has literally taken down every prominent self-proclaimed religious conservative leader in the political realm.

It touched down Newt Gingrich, Speaker of the US House of Representatives, who proclaimed "family values" and then divorced his wife for his mistress while his wife was in the hospital with cancer.

It touched Rush Limbaugh, the most popular radio talkshow host, who was caught doing precisely what he was criticising other for doing.

It has touched numerous congressmen caught up in the Abramoff scandal.

The list is extremely long. And not to drag it into the mud includes a sizeable number of members of a particular faith.

All of which, it seems to me, had one thing in common. A pathological need to cover their true nature with a cloak of the most conservative morality in the vain hope no one would notice.

This is not a criticism of expose' of religion. Rather of those who choose to corrupt it to use as a cloak of invisibility.

DA Morgan