Since the days of its invent we know Physics has evolved tremendously. The vaccum no more remains observer independent.And it is known to be a major issue in the Unification.
However we have consistently ignored probing of two major assumptions:
1.A point of Observation can be translated without affecting the System under observation.
In thermodynamics any work which gets done has its own limited efficiency.Suddenly for some very strange reasons we have concluded inapplicability in reference frame transaltion.
2.First we saw everything as Observer independent.Then we saw it as observer dependent.
Well now we should get mature and ask some more interesting questions like "Are the physical observations dependent on the number of Observers involved?" Well this question in my opinion is very important because as I see it the defintion of Truth (and its corresponding equivalence) allows multiple yet equivalent(for the purpose of using it) interpretations. Therefore the new age Quantum Mecahnics must allow multiple and consistent opinions of real world.(making it little surreal but honest)