Climate Change(Pre 2005)

13 December 2004

Coral Reefs Set For Rapid Growth

In contrast to previous predictions, Australian scientists say that global warming will accelerate coral growth and that reefs around the world could grow in size by as much as a third...

8 December 2004

Glacier Speed-Up Causes Concern

In what might be a worrying precursor to sea level rise, the world's fastest moving glacier has doubled its speed in the last few years...

13 October 2004

Possible Surge In CO2 From Arctic Soil

Warming in the arctic tundra may be releasing large quantities of carbon dioxide, accelerating climate change even more...

6 October 2004

Arctic Sea Ice Continues To Disappear

The floating sheets of ice that cover the Arctic Ocean are continuing their rapid decline, say researchers...

22 September 2004

Antarctic Glacier Flows Accelerating

Disintegrating ice shelves in Antarctica are causing glacier flows to speed up, which may mean rapidly rising sea levels...

8 September 2004

Link Between Global Warming And Evolution Revealed

Little critters in Yellowstone Park have shown that climate change can shape genetic diversity...

19 July 2004

World's Oceans Becoming More Acidic

Oceans are absorbing an increasing amount of carbon dioxide, making them more acidic and threatening the survival of calcifying organisms such as corals, shellfish and phytoplankton...

14 June 2004

Rising Seas & Climate Change Threaten 2 Billion

Climate change, deforestation, rising sea levels and population growth will put more than two billion people at risk by 2050...

21 May 2004

Global Warming Could Mean Less Sunshine

"Solar dimming" due to changes in cloud formation and air pollution could significantly impede the suns ability to penetrate the atmosphere...

30 April 2004

Contrails May Be The Culprit In Warming Trend

NASA scientists say that aircraft engine exhaust may be responsible for the rise in average U.S. surface temperatures that occurred between 1975 and 1994...

19 April 2004

Fertilization Of Phytoplankton Not A Solution For CO2 Removal

A new study suggests that using iron to bolster the growth of plankton (which absorbs CO2) may not be the quick fix to climate problems that some had hoped...

9 February 2004

Mass Extinctions In Peru Due To Climate Change

The Andes region of Peru - one of the most biologically diverse areas on the planet - may suffer thousands of plant and animal extinctions due to Andean climate change...

2 February 2004

Melting Siberian Peat Bogs May Unleash Huge Quantities Of Methane

Regional Arctic warming may thaw Siberian bogs and cause trapped gases to be released into the atmosphere, resulting in a major and unexpected shift in climatic patterns...

5 January 2004

Soot And Snow A Hot Combination

Black soot pollution alters the way sunlight reflects off snow and may be responsible for 25 percent of global warming effects...

18 December 2003

Massive Salinity Changes In Oceans

Further indications of global climate change are becoming apparent as tropical oceans get saltier while ocean waters near the poles are becoming fresher...

8 December 2003

Musical Instrument Quality Linked To Climate

Changes in the weather may be the reason why instruments crafted in the late 17th and 18th centuries are tonally superior to modern instruments...

1 December 2003

White Christmas' Less Likely

Higher temperatures and fewer snowfalls are becoming the norm across the US meaning Christmas falls will become rarer...

20 November 2003

Bush's CO2 Dumping Plan Could Devastate Sea Life

A Bush administration proposal to reduce global warming by capturing carbon dioxide emissions from power plants and injecting it into the deep sea could have disastrous effects on sea life...

9 October 2003

Major Climate Changes Predicted For US

More rain and more extreme climate events - like drought and flooding - are on the cards for the U.S. in the next hundred years...

2 October 2003

Solar Contribution To Global Warming Set To Decrease

New research predicts that the sun's contribution to warming the Earth will reduce slightly over the next 100 years...

14 August 2003

Cosmic Rays The Biggest Culprit In Global Warming

Against prevailing scientific opinion, some scientists believe that cosmic rays account for about 75 percent of climate variation...

31 March 2003

Global Warming Could Trigger Cascade Of Climatic Changes

Global warming and the partial melting of polar ice sheets could dramatically affect not only sea levels but also Earth's climate, in ways that may be complex, rapid and difficult to adjust to...

24 February 2003

Fossils Reveal Effects Of Global Warming

Uncertainties about climate change and the impact of human activity make it difficult to predict the effects of global warming but the past does offer clues...

13 February 2003

Global Warming Causes Genetic Changes

For the first time, an animal species has changed its genetic make-up to cope with global warming...

23 January 2003

Re-Discovered Records Confirm Rising Sea Level

The discovery of long-lost records in the archives of the Royal Society has provided further evidence that sea levels are rising...

9 January 2003

Polar Bear Headed For Extinction

Unless the pace of global warming is abated, polar bears could disappear within 100 years, says an expert in Arctic ecosystems...

6 January 2003

More Global Warming Effects Identified

Increases in the height of the tropopause over the past two decades are directly linked to ozone depletion and increased greenhouse gases...

9 December 2002

Fossil Fuels A Viable Option For World's Poor

Contrary to conventional wisdom, the use of fossil fuels for household cooking and heating may make environmental sense for the world's 2 billion rural poor...

28 October 2002

Global Warming May Trigger Ice Sheet Growth

Researchers say the increasingly salty Mediterranean is a definite warning that Atlantic circulation patterns will change in ways that favor ice sheet growth...

7 October 2002

Greenhouse Gases Good For Agriculture

A new study suggests that rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could be a boon for agricultural crops...

30 September 2002

U.S. Cities Getting Hotter

If you think that summers are getting hotter, you could be right. Summers are heating up if you live in or near any major U.S. city...

23 September 2002

Global Warming To Chill Crops

Winter temperatures are on the rise and scientists note this change will actually increase a plant's exposure to freezing temperatures...

1 August 2002

Cosmic Rays Linked To Global Warming

Interstellar cosmic rays could be the missing link between the discordant temperatures observed during the last two decades...

18 July 2002

Warmer World Will Be Sickly

Global warming and changing climatic conditions are triggering disease epidemics in wildlife around the world and the outbreaks are occurring in habitats ranging from coral reefs to rainforests...

10 June 2002

Greenhouse Effect Is "Green"

Tiny pollutant particles thrust into the atmosphere may slow plant growth but they also enhance the ability of the earth to act as a sink for carbon...

4 March 2002

Aerosol Pollution May Defeat Greenhouse Effect

Higher cloud reflectivity from aerosol pollution may result in global cooling, partially offsetting the greenhouse effect ...

14 February 2002

Arctic Ice Cap Could Disappear

The Arctic ice cap is shrinking… that much is known with certainty. And some say the formerly ice-locked Arctic will have open sea lanes as soon as 2015. By 2050, the summertime ice cap could disappear entirely...

16 December 2001

Antarctic Mud Reveals Global Climate Change

Scientists concerned about global warming are especially troubled by dramatic signs of climate change in Antarctica - from rapidly melting glaciers to unexplained declines in penguin populations...

12 December 2001

Strategies To Reduce Global Warming Could Backfire

Blocking the sun may not be such a cool way of counteracting climate change...

18 September 2000

Himalayan Ice Reveals Climate Warming

Ice cores drilled through a glacier more than four miles up in the Himalayan Mountains have yielded a highly detailed record of the last 1,000 years of earth's climate in the high Tibetan Plateau. Based on an analysis of the ice, both the last decade and the last 50 years were the warmest in 1,000 years...

11 September 2000

Warming Trend Seen In Late Freeze, Early Thaw

A 150-year record of freeze and ice breakup dates for lakes and rivers in such far-flung locales as Wisconsin and Japan chronicles a recent climate warming trend in the Northern Hemisphere...

11 August 2000

Arctic Temperatures Warmest In Past Four Centuries

In some of the northernmost regions of the world, temperatures have warmed alarmingly in a very short period, according to climate data...

6 August 2000

Rocks Provide Clues To Origin Of Oxygen On Earth

Scientists analyzing some of the oldest-known rocks on Earth have discovered for the first time a way to recover from the geological record details about the evolution of oxygen and ozone in the planet's early atmosphere...

21 March 2000

It's Getting Hotter Faster

New research on long-term ocean cycles reveals rapid global warming in near future...

19 February 2000

The Megadrought

The 40 year drought of the 1500's...

30 October 1999

Pollution Knowledge May Be Flawed

Is our understanding of pollution wrong?

7 October 1999

Surfing in the Alps? Maybe by 8999

Is the melting of Antarctic ice irreversible?

7 October 1999

Sky High Superhighway Pollution

Just how bad is the pollution from large aircraft?

4 October 1999

The Role Of Water Vapor In Climate Change

Worried about greenhouse gases, maybe you should think again...

12 April 1999

Solar Cycle, Wind and Climate

Variations in the energy given off from the sun effect the Earth's wind patterns and consequently the climate of the planet...

30 January 1999

Greenhouse Gas Scare

Termite farts contribute less to global warming crisis than cow dung...

28 November 1998

Heat's On Us Humans

Global climate change is influenced by human activity...

20 November 1998

Don't Get Stuck Behind A Truck Or A Bus

Diesel powered vehicles shown to be more harmful to the environment than petrol (gas) powered vehicles...

15 October 1998

Global Warming - We Love It!

Global warming - it's just a social problem according to a US scientist. Tell that to a Bangladeshi...

28 June 1998

Global Warming Detected on Triton

There may not be much industrial pollution on Neptune's largest moon, but things are hotting up nonetheless...

24 April 1998

Grass No Longer Green

Good news - you can help save the earth by not mowing your lawn...

23 April 1998

Global Warming Could Flood NY Subways

It's not just low-lying Pacific islands that are threatened by global warming. Even downtown Manhattan could be at risk...